IPhones and other Apple devices don’t have microSD slots so if you need spare memory you might be in trouble! Have to delete something to put other new things or you should buy a newer version, with greater memory which is, of course, more expensive! Or you can do something else, about maybe you didn’t thought before: sue the company! Exactly, many started making complains regarding’s Apple new iOS 8.

The iOS 8 occupies too much space

Hat it is wrong with it? Well, many say that this new operating system occupies too much space of memory. Unjustified they said, considering that it occupies from 18.1 percent to 23.1 percent of total storage space depending if the device is an iPhone, iPod or iPad. I don’t know to say if it is much or not, considering that some tablets which work with Windows have half of the space occupied by the operating system. So, which can tell? Only the customers according to their needs have this right to judge whatever it is much or not and if they must sue or not the company.  

Official statement

OK, so the main plaint of the storage space distribution has connections with the idea that in this way Apple wants to make more money. Only Apple can now if this is true or not for sure, but here are the official comments regarding this practices of Apple and there are not a bit encouraging! “Using these sharp business tactics, defendant gives less storage capacity than advertised, only to offer to sell that capacity in a desperate moment, e.g., when a consumer is trying to record or take photos at a child or grandchild’s recital, basketball game or wedding”.

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